Commercial real estate offers a plethora of profitable possibilities to investors and is, therefore, a lucrative industry to invest in. It is dynamic and diverse, which makes it all the more attractive. However, like any other investment, commercial real estate also comes with its share of risks.

Minimizing these risks will ensure the best possible return. Therefore, it makes business sense to be careful about your decisions. Here are the five mistakes to avoid when investing in commercial real estate to minimize avoidable risks.

1. Going in Blind – Lack of Knowledge and Planning

Investing without having the right knowledge or plan is a huge risk and highly likely to fail. Researching and accumulating the necessary information is an important pre-requisite to the investment decision. Therefore, ensure you do ample background research about the commercial real estate investment opportunities in your area before moving forward.

It is also important to have a concrete plan regarding the portfolio and investment strategy you want to have in place.

2. Not Consulting the Experts

One of the most common mistakes new investors make is trying to do everything on their own. Commercial real estate is a complex industry, and navigating its processes involves having the right knowledge about the industry’s ins and outs and having the right connections.

Investors need to consult with reliable commercial real estate brokers to minimize risk and save time. Commercial real estate brokers have years of experience and can efficiently find the most suitable properties and use their industry connections to get the job done.

3. Selecting the Wrong Property Type

A serious mistake to avoid when investing in commercial real estate is selecting the wrong property for your portfolio. You should discuss all your investment requirements and be clear about whether you want to invest in offices, retail, hotel, industrial, or multifamily properties.

4. Insufficient Due Diligence

A commercial real estate investor should never invest without conducting proper due diligence on the property they are investing in. Ensure you communicate your brokers’ requirements and have a comprehensive inspection of the property before moving ahead with contract finalization.

5. Neglecting Local Market Trends

Ignoring the local market trends is a common mistake new commercial real estate investors make. While the overall industry trends are important, it is equally vital to understand the market dynamics of the local area you are choosing to invest in.

The demand, supply, and buying behaviors differ from region to region and play a crucial role in determining success.


Overall, investing in commercial real estate is lucrative as well as a complex process. Investors should ensure they avoid making common mistakes to minimize the investment risks and increase their profitability.

If you are considering investing in commercial real estate, please contact us. The CHRE team has years of experience in commercial real estate, and we will be happy to help you find the right properties to invest in.