Choosing to opt for commercial real estate investments is a major decision because it has a direct impact on your income. You need to ensure you carefully evaluate the features and specifications of each property you are considering and select the ones with the best potential.

But how will you be able to tell how good of a deal you have on the properties you have selected? If you’re looking for commercial real estate in Rio Grande Valley, below are the key ways you can evaluate the profitability of your deal.

1. The Net Operating Income (NOI)

Net operating income is one of the most common methods used for evaluating the deal’s quality. It involves subtracting the first year’s operating expenses from the same year’s gross operating income. If the net amount comes to be around your desired capitalization rate, the deal is good.

2. The Estimated Value Appreciation

Commercial real estate is also a physical asset with intrinsic value. Another way to evaluate how good or bad a deal is, work out the estimated value appreciation for the property in 3, 5, 7, and 10 years. Compare the value with other properties with similar features and you will have an idea about how profitable the property will be.

3. Cash on Cash Return

The net cash flow of the deal is also an important indicator of potential. Aside from NOI, subtracting your initial cash investment from the annual cash generation should also give a positive net balance.

4. Market Trends

A careful analysis of regional and general market trends will help you know which types of commercial real estate will be in higher demand over the next few years. For example, improved economic conditions increase the need for more production and warehousing, improving the earning potential for commercial real estate properties used for the purpose.

Investing in them at the right time will allow you to benefit from the surge in demand, value appreciation, and higher cash flows.

5. Work with an Experienced Commercial Real Estate Broker

Commercial Real Estate investments can be tricky to understand because aside from following general market trends, they also operate differently for each region. Additionally, there is a lot of information about the ins and outs of the industry dynamics which is only known to people who have been working in the industry for some time.

Therefore, the best way to determine the quality of a deal is to consult with a commercial real estate broker. They have the right tools, connections, and insights to guide you to the right deal. If you are looking for commercial real estate in Rio Grande Valley, get in touch with the CHRE team.

We have years of experience in commercial real estate in the region.


To conclude, your commercial real estate deal needs to be evaluated for its NOI, cash on cash return, estimated appreciation, and trends. If it meets profitability criteria and your income growth requirements, it is the right one for you.