Commercial spaces are a fantastic opportunity to inspire workers and entice customers and clients while creating a space dedicated to your business. Unfortunately, many people don’t notice this chance they have, and their offices feel flat or boring, and they don’t know why their employees and customers seem uninterested.


If your company is ready for a change and wants to make an impression: these are some of the best trending design ideas for any commercial building.

Keeping Noise and Distractions Out

Noise and distractions can be the worst things for any company. If you want your employees to stay on task, and your customers or clients to be able to focus on the products you offer: you want to remove any extra noise. This means using noise-absorbing materials and removing any external visual distractions.


You can do this through the use of attractive noise-absorbing paneling and carpeting, as well as sheer curtains or light diffusers near windows. These still allow natural light into the building but block the distracting glare and visuals.

Play With Lighting to Add Artistic Visual Interest

Light is the only way we can see the world around us and naturally draws our eyes to it. Why not play with light to create an art piece in your commercial space that’s both visually stunning and serves a purpose? Using LED art design, you can have a backlit glass installation that defines your space and looks gorgeous.


Designs ranging from an almost organic look to something more artsy and colorful like graphic art, there are tons of options for companies that are still looking to define themselves. Not only does it give your office personality, but it can inspire your customers and employees to be more interested in the company.

Finishing the Floors, so They Look Incredible

Your floors are one of the last things we think about: until something’s wrong with them. Instead of allowing your floors to seem unfinished, or letting them look out of date and unattractive, consider updating to epoxy-painted concrete floors! These floors will look great, have incredible texture, and will give you the opportunity to feel like your office is gorgeous from ceiling to floor. Beyond this, the coating protects the floors from damage or staining that can come from regular use.

Create Open and Welcoming Spaces

Open and welcoming spaces can make a business seem more trustworthy and straightforward. Beyond this, a lot of open space can add a sense of luxury, especially with how expensive property has become within the last couple of years.


These spaces can be within the offices themselves or can be in a lounge, a store area, or anywhere else you think you could use some extra space.

Make Clear Entrances and Exits Through Subtle Design

The entrance and exits to your building may not be the same door: so it’s vital that you make it clear where your customers and employees can find them. You can do this by using the clear marking on paths, allowing your floor to subconsciously guide them into your building and around what you sell, or to a contact point, before helping them find the exit. This will save your employees from having to help guide customers through, which can be a large time waste.

Updating the Mailroom to Something Fantastic

If your company needs its own mailroom, make sure it’s updated and able to handle all of the packages and envelopes it receives every day. Mailboxes can be useful if your employees each need their own mailbox or if you own an apartment complex.


Make sure your mail room is well-lit, has trash on-site, and feels secure to those that are in it. Nobody wants to check their mail in a room that feels unsafe or like they might get stolen from.

Lower the Noise Pollution

Noise can be extremely distracting for employees, customers, clients, and anyone else in a building. When you want someone focusing on something, the last thing you need is the traffic outside or someone in the next cubicle distracting them. Check the acoustical ratings of everything you use in your building, from the flooring to the dividers between your employees’ desks, and make sure it’ll create a quiet and secure workspace.


If you’re struggling to get the noise down lower, consider using decorative acoustic panels near windows and other tools that will lower the sound down even more.

Getting New Windows Without Giving Up Style

One of the nicest things about getting to work in an older building is the aesthetics. Unfortunately, these aesthetics are usually the windows, which can be older and a risk to your HVAC system. Instead of giving up on your building’s look, you can simply invest in restoring historic windows, which are able to give you a clean look that matches your building’s style while also keeping the heating and cooling costs down. This is great for your employees’ comfort and fantastic for the look of your building.

Every Business Could Use a Commercial Update!

Your building is the heart of your company, where employees work and customers go to get in contact with you: make sure it’s a space where people will want to be by creating a welcoming environment that feels updated and attractive: you tell people how to feel about your company, and why they should have faith in it.


Sam Willis is a freelance writer that loves sharing his knowledge and expertise on commercial real estate. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia where he enjoys spending time with his wife and researching real estate trends in his free time. Sam’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a new construction industry resource.