Let’s consider a scenario: you want to sell your commercial real estate property and have put it up on all the right listing websites possible. You have also put the ads up in newspapers and real estate magazines and are now waiting for your phone to ring and for you to make the sale.

However, either the phone doesn’t ring, or the clients that come in to view never finalize their purchase. What could have possibly gone wrong? Well, multiple things. If you struggle to sell off your commercial real estate property despite there being a market for it, several reasons may be the issue.

We have listed below some of the most common reasons why your real estate property isn’t selling.

1. There Is a Price and Value Mismatch

Overpricing your commercial real estate property will always become an obstacle for you when you attempt to sell.  . Always remember that you are competing in a market where correctly priced properties are also available and your clients have access to them.

The best technique is to get your property assessed. This will give you a basic idea about the overall value of the property and enable you to set a more market-competitive price.

2. The Aesthetic

Brokers wish they had a way to mention this to clients without offending them because it is important. Sometimes, your chosen aesthetic is simply unappealing to your target audience.

This may include your choice of wallpapers, paints, textures, interior design, etc. The best way to stop your property’s aesthetic from becoming an obstacle is to try and look at some of the more appealing designs and try to incorporate them as best as possible.

3. Your Marketing Isn’t Targeted

No matter how many times you put money behind your ads, if they aren’t properly targeted, they will not yield results. Whether you are setting up google ads, social media advertising, listing websites, etc., always make sure your content caters to your audience’s interests and needs.

This will make them more attentive towards your ad and increase your leads.

4. Your Need Better Photographs

Just like you need to be dressed in your best when you go for a pitch meeting, your commercial real estate needs to also make a great first impression. If your photographs don’t capture the best parts of your commercial real estate, your clients won’t get a chance to know why it is such a steal.

Always make sure you take and upload the most attractive photos of your commercial real estate property when listing it.

5. You Haven’t Consulted a Commercial Real Estate Broker

Last but not least, the reason for your listing not getting the desired response could be that you didn’t consult with the experts. Commercial real estate brokers are experienced in the field and have the right contacts to improve your reach. They also know the ins and outs of the industry and can give you the correct guidance for listing, marketing, and decorating your property to increase leads and sales offers.

If you are looking for commercial real estate brokers to sell your property, please contact us. CHRE has been working in the commercial real estate industry for several years, and our teams will help you find the best offers.


To conclude, when listing your commercial real estate property for sale, make sure you price it correctly, choose aesthetically pleasing looks, market it well, and work with a commercial real estate broker. Reworking these factors will help you get your property sold off at the best possible price!